School health plays a vital role in helping students and families receive the best education experience possible while promoting and helping maintain optimal health across the student body.
The American School Health Association holds 5 Core Beliefs in regards to School Health:
It is my goal as the school nurse to partner with students, staff, and families in helping to ensure the healthiest educational environment possible, as well as working with the community-at-large.
I believe that students must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy. Please contact me by phone or email with any questions or concerns.
Stephanie Thieben, BSN, RNC-OB
Email: [email protected]
Reference: American School Health Association. (n.d.). 5 Core Beliefs - ASHA.
Annual Health Update Forms
Immunizations Requirements for 7th and 12 graders
Any child that does not have at least one dose of a required vaccine will not be able to attend school until they have received that vaccine. If a child has had at least one dose, but has not completed the series ( i.e. if they have only received one MMR vaccine), they will have 60 days from the first day of school to receive the missing vaccine before they are excluded from school. This is in accordance with state law (Iowa Code, chapter 139a.(8)6).
Dental Exam
Athletic Physical
Asthma Documentation
Food Allergy Documentation
Peanut/Tree Nut Policy
Childhood Disease School Exclusion Chart
College/ post high school Immunizations