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Health Information

Welcome to the Madrid School's Health Page

School health plays a vital role in helping students and families receive the best education experience possible while promoting and helping maintain optimal health across the student body.

The American School Health Association holds 5 Core Beliefs in regards to School Health:

  • Health and learning are directly linked and essential to the development of healthy, resilient citizens.
  • Schools are uniquely positioned to help students acquire healthy habits for a lifetime.
  • A coordinated school health approach is the most effective and efficient means of promoting healthy citizens.
  • School health professionals should be highly qualified and be able to use current theory and research to select and design effective health and education strategies.
  • Schools should be safe, nurturing environments that facilitate learning for all.

It is my goal as the school nurse to partner with students, staff, and families in helping to ensure the healthiest educational environment possible, as well as working with the community-at-large.

I believe that students must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy. Please contact me by phone or email with any questions or concerns.

Stephanie Thieben, BSN, RNC-OB

Email: [email protected]

Reference: American School Health Association. (n.d.). 5 Core Beliefs - ASHA.


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For ALL communicable illnesses including COVID-19:
Madrid CSD follows guidance from Iowa HHS as well as the CDC in regards to communicable illness. 
The following guidance from Iowa HHS has been updated effective February 2024: 
     - "It is always important to stay home and away from others when you are ill.  Individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home and should not attend child care,
       school or work until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms are mild and improving."
Madrid CSD will continue to contact parents if a student is found to be ill while at school and experiencing a fever or symptoms outside these parameters.


This form is to be completed on each student enrolled in k-12 each year. It is also found on the back side of the enrollment form in the school’s enrollment packet. The form keeps us informed of health information that may affect a child’s academic success.
7th graders- 1 dose of MenACWY (meningococcal conjugate vaccine for meningitis
                      * this is in addition to the 1 dose of Tdap that is required for all students entering 7th grade
12 graders- 2 doses of MenACWY ( 1 dose if given after the age of 16)
See the attached document for more information 

Any child that does not have at least one dose of a required vaccine will not be able to attend school until they have received that vaccine. If a child has had at least one dose, but has not completed the series ( i.e. if they have only received one MMR vaccine), they will have 60 days from the first day of school to receive the missing vaccine before they are excluded from school. This is in accordance with state law (Iowa Code, chapter 139a.(8)6).  

If you have questions concerning this new requirement or need assistance in meeting this new requirement, please contact the school nurse. 
A dental screening/or exam is required by the state for all incoming kindergarten and ninth grade students. The school is audited annually to determine our compliance with this recommendation. Please provide the school a copy of your dental screening at the beginning of the school year, or as soon as it is completed. 
All students at the Junior High and High School level participating in sports must have a sports physical completed and on file annually. We have gone electronically with Bound this year. 
-Note that you only need to upload the last sheet of the physical form with the Doctor and Parent signature.
Students participating in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading & dance and their parents/guardians: must annually sign the acknowledgement and return it to the school. Students cannot practice or participate in those activities until the form is signed & returned.
Any child diagnosed with Asthma or Reactive Airway Disorder who carries inhalers or uses them at school or during school activities or who has inhalation treatments, must have this form completed and signed by a physician annually. The form provides us with permission for the child to carry the medication themselves and for us to treat. It also gives us guidelines for appropriate interventions for each child.
Any student with diagnosed food allergies must have both of the forms completed and signed by a physician annually. One form allows the food service staff to provide appropriate substitutes if necessary and the other form provides guidance for health and teaching staff to use in the event the child has an allergic reaction to food.
Peanut/Tree Nut Free Snacks - Please check the website ( for updates.
Nutrition Education and Promotion - Wellness Policy: The board promotes healthy students by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. The school district supports a healthy environment where students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices.
Infectious Disease Information: This chart will provide general overview of the most common infections seen in the school. It is not meant to take the place of a physician’s diagnosis, but may be helpful in determining when to seek medical care.
Off to College. Many colleges require updated immunizations as part of the enrollment process. Many follow the CDC guidelines. Attached is an overview of those recommendations.