New Family Registration
Existing Family Registration
This registration is for families who currently have students attending Madrid Community Schools. Register your child on Infinite Campus by following the instructions provided below. If you have forgotten your password please email Jackie Deppe [email protected], Jen Burkhart [email protected] or Laurie Engleen [email protected].
Annual Health Forms
The Annual Health Forms should be completed if your student has a health condition such as asthma or has food allergies, etc. See forms listed below.
Immunizations Requirements for 7th and 12 graders
7th graders - 1 dose of MenACWY (meningococcal conjugate vaccine for meningitis)
*this is in addition to the 1 dose of Tdap that is required for all students entering 7th grade
12th graders - 2 doses of MenACWY (1 dose if given after the age of 16)
Any child that does not have at least one dose of a required vaccine will not be able to attend school until they have received that vaccine. If a child has had at least one dose, but has not completed the series ( i.e. if they have only received one MMR vaccine), they will have 60 days from the first day of school to receive the missing vaccine before they are excluded from school. This is in accordance with state law (Iowa Code, chapter 139a.(8)6).
If you have questions concerning this new requirement or need assistance in meeting this new requirement, please contact the school nurse.
Madrid Athletic Registration
Click here to register for Madrid Athletics. Registration begins July 1.
If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Deppe at the High School at [email protected].
Jr/Sr High School Permission Forms
Free and Reduced Meal Information
Preschool Requirements
Kindergarten Requirements